Case Management Conferences

paper cutouts of parents fighting in front of gavel

What is a Case Management Conference?

A CMC is the conference between the judge on your case and the parties. The lawyers for the parties are also present. At the conference, the judge will gather information and provide steps and deadlines if the parties have not come to an agreement on how to resolve them and what to do next. These topics are usually focused on the children and custody and parenting, all financial experts, who will pay for them and deadlines for reports and document exchange. No substantive relief is granted during this proceeding. It is called a Case Manage Conference to manage the exchange of documents, parenting assistance, and experts,

When does a Case Management Conference happen?

A CMC usually happens after a plaintiff begins a lawsuit, but it happens before the actual trial.

What is the purpose of a Case Management conference?

The purpose of a CMC is to try to resolve the issues in dispute before attending trial. If no settlement is reached in the conference, the matter will be pushed to trial.

What is a Case Management Order?

A Case Management Order is an order made by the judge at the end of the Case Management Conference. It can be a settlement order.

When does a Case Management Conference happen?

Most cases schedule a conference between 120 and 180 days from filing the lawsuit.

What happens after a Case Management Conference?

After a conference, the judge enters a Case Management Order. While the divorce is pending, motions can be filed through a request from the judge to address issues like child support.

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